2019 Wiki Edits Competition




2019 Wiki Edits Competition

Wikipedia is a web-based, open-access, encyclopedia available in almost 300 languages.  It is supported by the Wikimedia Foundation and is based on a model of openly editable content.  It is frequently used as a starting point in obtaining medical information by patients, health care students, and health care professionals world-wide and for some it may be the only readily available resource for them.


As a source of information and an initial reference point, Wikipedia is only as good as the content and the documentation it provides.


The Society of Ultrasound in Medical Education and the Seventh World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education are proud to sponsor a Wiki-edit competition to enhance Wiki entries related to ultrasound.  The edit can be in the form of a new page/topic not presently available or an edit to an existing topic that would be enhanced by providing ultrasound information and appropriately referenced.


Participants are asked to capture a screen shot before and after the edit or print copies of the material before and after the edits and scan them. The edits including references should be highlighted and submitted electronically via the link below.  There will be four categories of participants: 1) all health professions students, 2) residents/fellows, 3) practicing healthcare professionals (sonographers, nurses, physician assistants, physicians, etc.), and 4) medical educators (clinicians, basic scientists, etc.).


A “best edit” winner will be selected in each category by the Wiki-edit review committee.  The winners will have their edits announced at the World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education being held at UCI School of Medicine, September 12-15, 2019.  All winners will receive an award and have their registration for the meeting refunded or registration for a future World Congress paid for.


NOTE: The deadline for submission of your Wiki-edit is August 1, 2019.


For additional information on the wiki-edit contest contact Celia Hartman:


Celia Hartman, Executive Director, Society of Ultrasound in Medical
Education, Executive Assistant to Richard Hoppmann


Submission Rules


  • An edit to an existing Wiki page or creation of a new page can be submitted, with screen captures showing before/after the edits.
  • All edits must be supported by an appropriate reference(s) – such as PubMed citation.
  • An individual can submit only one entry into the competition: either an edited existing page or creation of a new page.
  • Only one person will be credited for the submission and be eligible for an award, and each participant must specify which one of the four categories of participant he/she is entering as (student, etc.).
  • A submission is required to have a brief (50 words or less) explanation as to why the edit or new page is important to ultrasound education or clinical practice.
  • Each entry will be judged on the following four criteria using a 10 point scale (1 for minimal contribution to 10 for outstanding contribution).
    1. Clarity of the entry.
    2. Potential impact of the entry on either education or practice.
    3. Quality of reference(s) cited for the entry.
    4. Brief explanation of why the entry is so important and deserves recognition (50 words or less).


NOTE: Wikipedia instructions and resources are covered on the Wikipedia Tutorial page  and on the Wikipedia Simplified Ruleset page. Clicking on these links and reading through the tutorial sections and the simplified ruleset will give you a better idea of what will be involved in the editing/creating process for participating in this Wiki Edits Contest.


Complete Your Application by August 1, 2019, at: