- Abstract submission opens: NOW
- Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2019
- Communication to authors on approved / rejected abstract: June 30, 2019
The regular guidelines and policies of the WCUME 2019 Call for Abstracts apply. The following policies apply specifically for the Late-breaking Abstract Submission:
Definition of late-breaking abstract:
- It is anticipated that the compilation of these abstracts is made possible by studies recently completed. They are intended to represent the very latest developments in the field.
- Abstract submitters must be registered and paid by June 30, 2019.
- The organizers will do their best to provide acceptance or decline of the late-breaking abstracts on June 28, 2019.
- There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
- There are no limitations on the number of abstracts that an individual can submit. However, one individual can only present a maximum of 2 abstract (independent of the format) during the entire Congress. If you have more than 2 abstracts accepted, you will be obliged to identify alternate presenters for any abstract above the first two.
- The abstract text body is limited to 3,000 characters (Approx. 500 words) including spaces.
- Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published electronically in the web app of the congress. Abstracts not accepted for presentation or if the presenter is not officially registered to the Congress by the June 30 deadline will not be published. Abstracts may also be posted prior to the Congress on the detailed program section of the Congress website.
- Disclosure: abstract submitter and presenter are required to disclose any conflict of interest.
- Ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation.
- Abstracts cannot be changed or withdrawn after June 15, 2019. Once the abstract has been scored by reviewers, no change in the body of the abstract will be accepted.
- Abstract submitters must consent to the Policies of Abstract Submission.
Copyright Policy
Abstracts should not include libelous or defamatory content. Material presented in abstracts should not violate any copyright laws. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author.
Resubmission Policy
An abstract which has been previously published or presented at a national, regional or international meeting can only be submitted provided that there are new methods, findings, updated information or other valid reasons for submitting.
If preliminary or partial data have been published or presented previously, the submitting author will be required to provide details of the publication or presentation, along with a justification of why the abstract merits consideration for WCUME 2019 This information will be considered by the Scientific Program Committee when making final decisions.
If the author neglects to provide these required details and justification, or if evidence of previous publication or presentation is found, the abstract will be rejected.
The Congress organizers regard plagiarism as serious professional misconduct. All abstracts are screened for plagiarism and when identified, the abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author are rejected. In addition, the submitting author’s profile will also be cancelled.
Ethical Research Declaration
The congress supports only research that has been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation. Where no such committee exists, the research should have been conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of World Medical Association. The WCUME 2019 Scientific Program Committee may enquire further into ethical aspects when evaluating the abstracts.
Congress Embargo Policy
WCUME 2019 does not impose an embargo policy. Submitters should be aware that titles will be published as of July 2019.
Rule of Two
Each presenting author may present a maximum of two abstracts at the congress independent of the presentation type. (2 orals or 2 posters or 1 oral + 1 poster). The number of submissions is however not limited.
Should an author have more than two abstracts accepted for presentation, a co-author must be named as presenting author for one or more abstracts.
There is no limit on the number of abstract submissions from any one individual. However, one submitter can present maximum 2 orals or maximum 2 posters, for a total of 2 presentations in the Congress.
- Abstract submission opens: NOW
- Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2019
- Communication to authors on approved / rejected abstract: June 30, 2019